2021 跑馬古道公園+山光脈動夜間劇場
2021 Paoma Historic Trail Park”+ The Night Theater of Lights from Mountains
2021/礁溪跑馬古道公園 Paoma Historic Trail Park , Jiaoxi
「⼭光脈動」是由陳怡潔藝術工作室進⾏規畫,提出「⼭光脈動-跑馬古道公園光雕計畫」 地景設計計畫,由藝術家陳怡潔透過光雕藝術來製作文化路徑,召喚隱身在礁溪⼭中的「跑馬古道」,也點亮礁溪位於台灣百年古道出入⼝的特色。設計理理念與方法上,在跑馬古道公園 (舊明德訓練班)的基地周遭地景基礎上,將進⾏⽣態動植物圖象的採集, 轉化為符合環境暗光氛圍的光投影,訴求穿越百年來,跑⾺古道的身體感塑造氛圍。在跑馬古道公園中,這個計畫除了與在地社區、眾森自然工作室、千⾥步道協會共創步道學的踏查計畫之外,還會面對園區既有的劇場、音樂會舞台場地的設置,使其融入光環境的基礎設施與設計,將山脈環境的暗光與礁溪⽔環境的脈動結合起來,讓市⺠和遊客觀眾在晚間也可以定時欣賞,內容將包括特有的跑⾺古道南路路⼝的特有的曦微流⽔水之光、雙扇蕨、台灣粉蝶等多樣物種,以及聲⾳藝術家王希文的主題聲⾳作曲,讓遠來疲憊的旅⼈,穿越時空,在溫泉⽔源聲、樹濤聲、蟲鳴鳥叫聲中,看到了內⼼⼀路綻出的花木蟲⿃,讓跑馬古道公園成為「跑⾺古道」這條萬物之路的展演對話舞台。這個計畫以「跑馬古道」和「跑馬古道公園」同時呼應了幾米的旅行主題和聲⾳地景⽅法。
the“Lights from the Mountains Workshop"+Historic Trail Study Introduction
內容為跑⾺古道⾛踏的⾏程+四次⼯作坊(跑馬古道暗夜踏查、礁溪水文野露踏查、聲音採集工作坊、萬物開議工作坊),路段包含由⽯牌縣界公園 - 跑⾺古道(礁溪端),行經得子口溪、月眉坑瀑布、跑馬古道猴洞坑溪。
Professor Gong Jow-Jiun will lead the project as the curator. Through on-site inspections, he will visit the Paoma Historic Trail, explore the old and new urban areas of Jiaoxi, as well as collect and inspect from perspectives of ecology, optics, history, while carrying out The Parliament of Things Workshop, from professional to local, joint cross-domain exchanges and inspiration. So that all ages can feel the natural charm of Jiaoxi in the process.
Agi Chen Studio has established a new park at the foot of Jiaoxi Mountain (the former site of the Mingde Discipline Center), and implemented an art lighting show plan.
The " Paoma Historic Trail " and the “Lights from the Mountains Workshop" have been held. The work team conducted observations of flora and fauna, hydrology and geology, with hopes that future citizen parks will be connected to the overall ecology of Jiaoxi. The presentation of future performances can also be related to the Paoma Historic Trail and the human history of Jiaoxi through projection mapping. Come, and explore the cultural path of Jiaoxi that spans across history, ecology and literature. Through a collection of ecological flora and fauna images along the Paoma Historic Trail, which are transformed into projection mapping that conform to the dark light atmosphere of the environment, they seek to shape the atmosphere with a sense of body through the century-old Paoma Historic Trail.
In addition to co-creating a trail study plan with local communities, Beings Nature Studio and Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association (TMI Trail), the plan will also integrate the setting of the existing theater and concert stage venues of the park into projection mapping. The infrastructure and design of the environment combine with the dark light of the mountain environment and pulsation of the water environment in Jiaoxi, so that residents and visitors can enjoy it regularly at night.
The content is the itinerary of the Paoma Historic Trail and four workshops (the dark night inspection of the Paoma Historic Trail, the hydrological field investigation of Jiaoxi, the sound collection workshop, and The Parliament of Things Workshop). The section includes the Shipai County Boundary Park- Paoma Historic Trail (Jiaoxi end), passing by Dezikuo river, Yuemeikeng Waterfall, and Houdongkeng Waterfall along the Paoma Historic Trail .