Walk with Light
知本作為台灣東部最重要的溫泉勝地之一,了解其特殊的地理位置與地質條件下的⽣態奇景將是本創作計畫出發點。創作計畫透過與生態專家以及眾森自然⼯作室共同合作,進⾏生態踏查與點燈夜觀的創作⽅法,創作出透過⽣態觀察所創作出來的光影創作,探索知本⽣態之美。並且於《2022台東光祭》展期間設計安排生態觀察的踏查行程,帶領觀眾放慢腳步探索知本豐富的⽣態特色,在後疫情時代與⼤自然重新連線, 啟動多層次的感官體驗。
This creative project attempts to understand the special geographic location and geological condition of Zhipen, one of the most important hot spring spots in Eastern Taiwan. This project is done in cooperation with ecological experts and Groupe LAPS. With ecological investigations and night lights, we have created this light projection project to explore the beauty of Zhiben. During the TAITUNG LIGHT FESTIVAL exhibition, an ecological investigation is arranged to encourage the audience to explore the ecological features of Zhiben, with the aim of connecting people with nature for sensual experiences in multiple layers in this post-pandemic era.